Stress CDs And Stress Downloads


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AlbumComplete stress management programme
Includes all 15 tracks for understanding, recognising and addressing the physical tension and sensations, thoughts and behaviour asssociated with stress, anxiety and panic. (Save over 25%). [$17.60]
1 Programme overview
Explains each track and suggests how to put together each element of the programme over 4 weeks to comprehensively tackle stress. [$0.95]
2 Stress explained
Tells you how it evolved thousands of years ago, why people get stressed nowadays and why it’s a normal reaction that is there to protect you. [$0.95]
3 Breath control physical relaxation explanation
Explains about this straight-forward technique to reducing physical and mental tension by focusing your attention onto your breathing. [$0.95]
4 Breath control physical relaxation instructions
Instructions for applying this easy to learn and highly portable technique – to reduce physical and mental tension by focusing on your breathing. [$1.85]
5 Progressive muscular relaxation intro
Explains about how to get set for applying this most popular and proven physical relaxation technique. [$0.95]
6 Progressive muscular relaxation technique
Instructions for applying this technique – to systematically find and release tension from the muscles all over your body. This track also gives you time to stay relaxed for a while enjoying the relaxed state you’ve created. [$1.85]
7 Release-only physical relaxation introduction
Explains about how to get set for applying this technique once you have learned progressive muscular relaxation. Or, you can apply this technique if it is unwise to tense or flex areas of your body (e.g., if you have muscular soreness, an injury, or are prone to cramping). [$0.95]
8 Release only physical relaxation technique
Instructions for applying this technique – to systematically find and let go of tension from the muscles all over your body. You will be given time towards the end to stay relaxed and enjoy the relaxed state you’ve created. [$1.85]
9 Introduction to rapid relaxation
Explains why it is useful to learn short versions of the physical relaxation techniques, so you are able to relax quickly right when you need to in stressful situations. [$0.95]
10 Rapid breath control instructions
Instructions for applying a rapid version of the breath control technique which you will have learned to use your breathing to refocus and release tension when in stressful situations. [$1.85]
11 Rapid muscular relaxation instructions
Instructions for applying a rapid version of the progressive muscular relaxation technique which you will have learned to release tension when in stressful situations. [$1.85]
12 The role thoughts play in causing stress
What we think has a huge impact on the stress and tension we experience. Our thinking effects what we do or avoid. This track explains how our thinking contributes to generating stress and worry, and how we think when stressed. [$1.85]
13 How to think in a less stressful way
This track gives you techniques to recognise and challenge your unhelpful thinking when stressed so you can reduce stress and worry. [$1.85]
14 Facing up to and managing stressful situations
We stressed we usually fell the urge to avoid or escape from the situation that is causing or associated with feeling stressed. While this is understandable it usually is unhelpful in the long run. This track explains why this is the case and why it is well-worth facing up to common difficult situat [$1.85]
15 How to face and manage stressful situations
This track tells you a proven way to face up to the situations that are stressful for you in a planned, stepped and manageable way. [$1.85]