The Snowballs


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The Snowballs
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Other users who bought music from The Snowballs also bought music from these artists:

  1. Scratch Card Junkie


Welcome to the Snowballs Christmas Party planning page and to the fantastic new song "Everybody it's Christmas!".

The Snowballs are a select but elusive group of musicians who emerge from the the frozen wastelands of the UK, usually at the end of November.

Under the hot glare of publicity and as a result of global warming we have a tendency to start melting, so we would like to invite all our fans to start partying, even if we can't personally attend every gathering!

We've included a sing-along version of the song in the download, so let's all get singing and start to enjoy the Christmas spirit!!

Why don't you video your party singsong and post it on YouTube?

More information is available at

Merry Christmas everyone!